Sunday, December 14, 2008


    small protein composed of 3 amino acids called cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine, produced normally by the body in response to today’s environment such as pollution in the air we breath, water we drink, chemicals & pesticides in the food we eat that cause damages in our cells & system.

    “small molecule made up of linked amino acids and anti-oxidant naturally produced in the body. It has been widely heralded for its importance for good health and long life. Glutathione in increased dose posts a remarkable good 'side effect' such as SKIN WHITENING".

    “the greater the exposure to toxins, the faster the body uses up its supply
    glutathione. Without the protection of Glutathione, cells die at a faster
    rate, making people age quicker & putting them at risk for toxin induced
    diseases including cancer.”
(Anti-oxidant, Anti-aging and for Fairer Skin)


CLINICAL NAME: Glutathione

SYNONYM: Reduced L- glutathione (note: there is no such thing as unreduced glutathione)

CHEMICAL NAME: Gamma-L-glutamyl – L – cysteninylglycine or L-7-glutanyl – cysteinylglycine

DEFINITION: L-Glutathione is biologically active sulfur amino acid tripeptide compound
consisting of:

    · L-Cysteine
    · L-Glutamic acid
    · Glycine


    - present in virtually in all mammalian tissue
    - mostly in liver where it detoxifies many harmful compounds to be excreted through the bile
    - red and white blood cells
    - lungs
    - intestinal tract


    - to act as a non-enzymatic reducing agent to help keep cysteine thiol side chains in a reduce state on
    the surface of proteins
    - involved in the synthesis & repair of DNA
    - helps to recycle Vit. C and Vit. E
    - blocks free radical damage
    - enhances the anti-oxidant activity of Vit. C
    - facilitates the transport of amino acids
    - plays a critical role in the detoxification of harmful compounds
    - is the base material for several other key antioxidant enzyme systems such as glutathione-peroxidase,
    glutathione-reductase and glutathione-transferase
    - Body (AID) A - ntioxidant I - mmune booster D - etoxifier

THEREFORE, declines in glutathione concentrations in intracellular fluids correlate directly with indicators of aging.


Glutathione is derived from L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid and Glycine and is not consumed directly as a food constituent.


    - coordination problems
    - generalized cell damage
    - mental disorders
    - various nervous system disorders
    - tremors and twitching
    - red cells are prone to burst
    - whit blood cells decline in function
    - nerve tissue degenerates

DEFICIENCY OF INTRACELLULAR GLUTATHIONE has been associated with a variety of conditions including

    - AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
    - Alcohol induced liver diseases
    - Some forms of cancer


    - antioxidant action
    - cancer
    - cataracts
    - liver diseases
    - muscular degeneration


    - support of antioxidant process
    - modify the normal pigmentation pathway from eumelanin to pheomelanin


    As antioxidant and as anti-aging dose: 10mg per kilogram bodyweight per day

    As skin whitener: 20-40mg per kilo bodyweight per day in 2-3 divided doses.

    Note: Best taken with preferably 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.
    May be taken together with other antioxidants such as Vit C, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Grapeseed Oil Extracts 1,000 mg, Vit E and Vit A to prevent glutathione oxidation and regenerate oxidized glutathione.


    Generally considered to be free of side-effects.
    No untoward side-effects nor interactions with oral administration reported even in prolonged use.

    Very SAFE. Lucida is classified as food not a herbal or drugs.
    Made from genetically synthesized molecules.

    The only reported side- effect is SKIN WHITENING when taken in increased doses.


    No toxicities have been reported or suspected as being associated with glutathione.


    None known, except for use during some forms of chemotherapy and radiation where
    antioxidants are contraindicated due to their inhibition of the free radical formation which is an
    integral part of the therapeutic mechanism.


    Nutrient affected drug – Cisplatin (Anti Chemotherapeutic agent) and Haloperidol (anti-psychotic drug).


    - smokers
    - 30 years old is a must
    - alcoholic drinkers
    - with low immune system (recovering from sickness and operations)
    - with liver problems (fatty liver, hepa A, B and C)
    - with thyroid problems
    - has history of cataract problems
    - with low quality and low sperm counts
    - with cancer (prostate cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer)
    - post partum patients (mothers who just gave birth)
    - on chemotherapy recovery
    - exposed to chemicals / pesticides
    - who consumes fish oils & VCO


    - Aging population
    - Immunocompromised individuals
    - With atherosclerosis
    - Male infertility
    - Pregnancy complications
    - Hyperthyrodism
    - Liver problems
    - Cataracts
    - Cancer
    - Alzheimers, Parkinsons, M.S.
    - Results of oxidative stress due to diseases, drugs pollution, radiation and smoking


    “ The higher GSH content, the greater the liver’s capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals.”

    “ When exposed to chemicals which damages the liver, concentration of GSH decreases.”

    “ Reduction in GSH makes liver susceptible to damage.”

    Dr. Murray’s Newsletter 7/2003

    “ A small study in 8 patients of LIVER CANCER using oral GSH showed modest benefits when
    given daily amounts of 500mg GSH.”

    Dalhoff, Ranek, et. Al., 1992

Can a person taking contraceptive pills take Lucida?

    Yes. Lucida-DS is classifies as food and will not interfere with contraceptive pills.



    “…both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are associated with enhanced oxidative stress
    involving antioxidants.”
    Reschu, Helsel, et. Al.
    November, 2002

    “…has a direct relationship with free radical formation and inverse relationship with levels of
    erythrocute glutathione and glutathione peroxidase in human subjects.”

    Turkish Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Feb.,2001

Is it Safe for Pregnant Women?

    Glutathione is generally safe since it is classified as processed food. There have been no
    specific data established yet. But there are reports that clinicians use glutathione for better
    fetus development because it is an anti-oxidant.

    “Glutathione status plays an important role in the development of fetus because it controls cell
    differentation, proliferation and cell death.

    Placenta has a significant amount of G-S transferase which is capable of detoxification.
    Supplementation can decrease the incidence of birth defects and protect the fetus from

    The Glutathione Report, Priya Shah, April 2004


    “CATALASE AND GSH Peroxidase were shown to potently decrease neurotoxity”

    Journal of Neurochemistry, Vol. 87, Nov. 6, 2003, 1527-34

    “Low levels of Glutathione Peroxidase activity in erythrocytes is associated with an increased
    risk of Cardiovascular events in patients with coronary diseases.”

    New England Journal of Medicine, 2003


    Barbagallo, et al., 1999


    Dosage computation as ANTIOXIDANT/ ANTI-AGING:

    10 mg/kg/day

    Ex. 50kg male

    50kg body weight x 10mg = 500 mg/day

Dosage computation for SKIN WHITENING (double increased dose) LUCIDA -DS

    20-40 mg/kg/day

    Ex. 50 kg female

    50kg body wt x 30mg (median of 20 & 40) = 1500mg/ day in 3 divided doses

    Duration of Intake for skin whitening - LUCIDA-DS

    Medium brown skin: 1-3 months
    Dark brown skin: 3-6 months
    Very brown skin: 6-12 months
    Black skin: 2 years

    Upon reaching desired skin color, maintenance dose of once a day.

    Grapeseed oil extract should be taken 1-2x daily
    Why? GSH once it passes the stomach is oxidized and it needs a very powerful antioxidants such as grapseed oil extract to regenerate this oxidized glutathione called glutathione disulfied (GSSG) into GSH.
    Note: Taking glutathione alone is not effective.
    Grapeseed must be in oil format to be effective. Grapeseed in powder formats are less effective or even not effective at all.

What the Experts Say about Glutathione:

    · “…that everyone should take antioxidant supplements and recommends Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Grapeseed oil extracts, Vitamin C, E and Vit A per day as a part of that regimen”

    Dr. Anthony Verlangieri, Director of the Atherosclerosis
    Reseach Laboratory and Professor of Pharmacology
    Toxicology ot the Univ. of Mississippi states

    · GSH (as in Lucida-DS) is one of the 14 “Superfoods” listed in SuperFoods Rx : Fourteen Foods That Will
    Change Your Life, co-authored by Dr. Steven Pratt, an authority on food and ageing.

    · “Without GSH (as in Lucida-DS) , other important antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C and E cannot do their job
    adequately to protect your body against disease”

    Allan Somersall, Ph.D., M.D., and Gustavo Bounous, M.D. FRCS(c) in Breakthrough in Cell Defense.

    · “Blood GSH levels rose nearly 50% in healthy individuals taking 500mg of Vit. C because it
    raises Glutathione by helping the body manufacture it and at the same time prevent GSH from being

    Dr. Murray’s 7/30/2003


    Recommended dose: 50mg- 500/day

    · The only antioxidant that can boost the level of GSH- Life Extension Foundation, Dec. 1999

    · Alpha Lipoic Acid also helps increase GSH levels. – Dr. Murray’s Newsletter 7/30/2003

    · Antioxidant that prevents free radical damage, protects our liver, slows aging.

    · Not only protect nerves but regenerates it. Has the ability to serve as a continuous supplier of


    1. ANTIOXIDANT- compound that halts oxidative stress by donating its electrons to neutralize
    free radicals before they can cause damage.

    2. OXIDATIVE STRESS- a damaging condition that occurs when there are too many free
    radicals and not enough antioxidants to neutralize them.

3. FREE RADICAL- a molecule or molecule fragment with an unpaired electron produced by the
body and pollutants that causes damage to the body.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Regional and National Distributors... pHCare and Enervon C+

Interested distributors in UK may contact:

Mr. Tony Aquino
Mobile 07894 248020

Mr. Dennis Cortez
Mobile 07742 389938
email: is a trading style of Aquino Limited
in association with American Consumer Lab and United Laboratories.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Enervon Tablet
Multivitamin Supplement


Life can be so demanding! But with ENERVON tablet, you have the edge. ENERVON tablet contains the right amounts of Vitamin C and B-Complex to ensure optimum energy and increase resistance against infections and other stress conditions. It also provides Vitamin E and Zinc - antioxidant nutrients known to boost the immune system. That’s the double power of Enervon Tablet.

Have that high energy for a fuller life with ENERVON Tablet.

Action Multivitamin Supplement With Zinc, Folic Acid, B-Complex, C & E

pH Balanced
Daily Feminine Wash


pH CARE intimate wash is clinically formulted with pH 5 which matches the normal skin pH. This product allows thorough cleansing while maintaining the external genitalia's normal skin pH. pH Care intimate wash also contains dual moisturizers, Panthenol and Glycerin, to maintain skin's natural moisture. It is also enriched with Natural Extracts of Chamomile providing a soothing effect.

For everyday use of healthy women for that fresh and clean feeling.

Product Facts

Action : Feminine Wash

Size Available : 8 oz. (237 mL) bottle
Inactive Ingredients : Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Glycerin, Sodium Chloride, Panthenol, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Bisabolol, Chamomile Extract, Butylparaben, Disodium EDTA, Citric Acid, FD C Red #40


For external use only. Wet area. Pour small amount onto palm of hand and apply. Rinse thoroughly. Use as often as needed.

Other Information

Check the safety quality seal under cap. Do not buy if seal is missing or broken at time of purchase.

Friday, October 13, 2006
- bringing you close to home.

United American Tiki-Tiki Plus - The Multivitamins most of us Filipino grew up with. So what is Tiki-Tiki? United American Tiki Tiki is a multivitamin drops suitable for infants. It contains vitamins A, B, C, D and E. These are essential vitamins that babies need for optimum growth and increased resistance to sickness in the first 12 months of life.

What is Tiki Tiki Plus Drops for? Tiki Tiki Plus Drops is for infants' optimum growth and increased resistance to sickness.

Enervon C Plus Syrup - a multivitamin supplement for children especially formulated to promote stronger body resistance against illness, infections and other forms of stress. It also contains nutrients that release energy from food, energy that active children require for optimum growth.

Enervon C Tablet - an adult multivitamin preparation that has the right combination of vitamins C and B-complex designed to help ensure optimum energy and to increase body resistance against infections and other stress condition.

What is Enervon Tablet for? Enervon-C Tab
let is used as a supplement during periods of increased requirements like during illness, convalescence to hasten recovery. It can also be used to correct vitamin deficiency.

What is Myra 300E for? Myra 300E is 300 IU of vitamin E, an anti-oxidant which helps the body by getting rid of harmful free radicals, protecting and revitalizing body cells, maintaining and improving stamina, and making women feel young. Vitamin E also helps improve muscular performance and improve circulation of the blood. It is safe for use by pregnant and breasfeeding women. In general, other medications can be taken along with vitamin E.

What are the possible side effects when you take Myra 300E? Vitamin E is generally safe and non-toxic. Various studies have shown that even general health risk of too much vitamin E is low.

What is the latest skincare product under Myra E? Myra E, the number 1 vitamin E in the market today, launches a new product for the face, the New Myra E Facial Moisturizer.

We recognize that a woman's beauty is primarily judged by looking at her face. A woman's face is the first to be noticed, and it likewise says so much about her emotions, thoughts and state of well-being. Unfortunately, this most valued asset is also the most exposed part of her body, being exposed daily to harmful elements such as the sun's rays, smoke, and pollution. Thus women need to protect her face with an effective facial moisturizer to keep it looking beautiful, and prevent it from looking dull, dry, and lifeless.

What's so special about the New Myra E Facia
l Moisturizer? The New Myra E Facial Moisturizer is enriched with Vitamin E. Vitamin E penetrates the skin, and provides moisturization from within. As an antioxidant, it protects the cell from free radicals produced by exposure to sun, smoke, and pollution. This protective role of Vitamin E helps make skin cells, healthy, increasing the skin's water-retaining capacity, so the skin can hold more water.

Myra E Facial Moisturizer also has special moisturizing agents, namely Glyceryn, Pro-Vitamin B5 and Dimenthicone.

Glycerin acts as skin smoothener, softener, and lubricator and helps prevent moisture loss. This ingredient is also known for its moisture hol
ding capability thus preventing skin dryness. Pro-vitamin B5 has soothing effect on skin irritation, rashes and skin itching. Likewise, Pro-vitamin B5 stimulates skin healing while providing deep moisturization. Dimenthicone protects the skin while helping to retain moisture. These special moisturizing agents, together with Vitamin E, works synergistically to make your skin soft, smooth, and most importantly, healthy.

What else can Vitamin E do for your skin when applied topically aside from deeply moisturizing your skin? Vitamin E is not just an effective moisturizer, its protective role as an antioxidant makes it very useful in maintaining the overall health of the skin. Here are some more benefits of Vitamin E:
  • Protects your skin from UV rays, Sunlight causes production of free radicals. Vitamin E fights off the free radicals which may cause skin aging.
  • Prevents the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. It keeps the integrity of your skin's collagen and epidermis maintaining your skin's firmness, texture and tone.
  • Prevents the formation of age spots and blotches. Vitamin E makes blood vessels dilate, preventing the formation of blotches.
What is pH Care? pH Care is an intimate wash that is mild and gentle making it safe for daily use. It is clinically formulated with pH 5 that matches the normal pH of the external genitalia. It allows the thorough cleansing while maintaining the natural pH of the external genitalia. pH Care is formulated for everyday use.

What are the other benefits of pH Care? pH Care contains Dual Hydrating Moisturizers, D-Panthenol and Glycerin, which help maintain skin's natural moisture. Glycerin is a mild & effective moisturizer that binds water to the skin preventing moisture loss making skin soft and smooth. D-Panthenol is a deep penetrating moisturizers that helps prevent skin dryness. It is also enriched with Natural Extracts of Chamomile to keep a healthy skin condition.

Available soon to your local shops and pharmacy. For distribution and inquiries about the products, please email or call +44 (0) 7742389938